Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter Garage Training

Three seasons of the year my primary training is done outdoors emphasizing kata practice, coupled with some heavy bag training once I get home and on weekends. Winter though my garage becomes my primary "dojo".

This winter I'm trying something different. Instead of doing kata in sections which fit into the limited space provided, I'm going through the kata completely, but switch stepping where necessary to limit the space covered. I'm finding it an excellent method of working on balance and shifting, since I often employ this method when working on my heavy bags. To clarify, my definition of switch-stepping is stepping forward with one leg, then immediately stepping back with the opposite leg as the forward stepping foot lands.

For now I'm doing ten repetitions one night, then ten on the mirrored side the next. One of my new year goals is to work in more weight training, so I've cut back a bit on winter kata repetitions, while increasing weight and heavy bag training.

Well, that's all for now.

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