Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mirror Mirror...

...on the wall. Well, unfortunately I don't have a full size wall mirror like you'll find in a good dojo - wish I did though, since they are very helpful in self correcting technique.

In this case though, I'm more interested in the "mirroring" of practicing kata in an opposite side manner, which mirrors the original. I don't do much kihon, where both sides of techniques are equally worked. Instead, I learn kata first in its originally taught sequence, then after enough familiarity with it, I'll learn it in its mirrored image. Typically then, I work each kata equally in both directions from that point forward.  For example, currently I'm going through the Tekki katas 25 repetitions on one day, followed by 25 mirrored repetitions the next day (mid December 2013).

In terms of kihon, I may work through a kata bit by bit, breaking it down into small chunks of related sequences, first in one direction, then the opposite: typically 10 repetitions per sequence. Further kihon practice is typically practiced against a heavy bag - alternating sides for a total of 20 reps per side. Other types of kihon training may be reviewing the most fundamental Shotokan techniques, boxing style techniques, standing control and take-down techniques or kata sequence techniques, but mixing techniques from different parts of the kata, or even different katas as I see them fitting together.

Well, that's all for now.

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